Merrick Effect Paintball

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Hello and Welcome to the Merrick Effect Webz. Please be free to look around enter your ideas and any comments at many diffrent location on the webz. Look at our products which can be bought by email.


Merrick Effect


UPDATE: 6/27/05 Merrick Effect Places second in Young gunz Tourny under the name ST Army. Merrick Effect will possibly change its name to this.


UPDATE: 6/28/05 Merrick Effect will not be changing names but it might be the new name for our 4 or 3 man teams

EDIT: Yes it will Mike (lol). Sorry but EVERYONE on the team wants it changed except for you and i am the captain and have dicided that majority rules in this case.

UPDATE: 7/12/05 Merrick Effect is now SHOCK TRAUMA ARMY - aka ST Army...Everyony on the team wanted it (except for mike lol) so we changed it with arena wo0t!




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